Kuniverse Cup - FIFA

Kuniverse Cup - FIFA

Kuniverse Cup - FIFA

Kuniverse Cup - FIFA

Información general
Kuniverse Cup - FIFA

Kuniverse Cup - FIFA


Puedes ver los resultados en los brackets.


Puedes ver los resultados en los brackets.

Estado del torneo

Inscripciones abiertas

Las inscripciones ya están abiertas, el tiempo de inscripción es limitado!

Check-In habilitado

Ya podes realizar el check-in para confirmar tu asistencia en el torneo.


Pronto comienza el torneo. Podrás ver tu primer contrincante en Mis Partidas.

En juego

El torneo ya se encuentra en juego. Conocé a tus próximos rivales en mis partidas.



El torneo ya finalizó. Podes ver los resultados en los brackets.

Sobre el torneo






Prize Pool

180 USD



miércoles, 14 de junio a miércoles, 14 de junio






Tipo de partida

Eliminación simple



Modalidad del torneo

Individual: 1 vs 1

Cantidad de participantes



The Kuniverse Cup will be held on June 14th at 6pm (CET)

The top 4 winners will receive a Kuniverse Avatar. If the winner is a Kuniverse Avatar Holder, he or she will receive a part of the 350 SAND prize pool divided as such:

1st Place - 200 SAND

2nd Place - 100 SAND

3rd and 4th Place - 50 SAND

Do you want to be a Kuniverse Avatar holder and win SAND prizes ?

Get your avatar right now:


Registration: Totally free of charge.

Among the main rules we find:

- Server: All games will be played on the "Europe" server.

- ALL participants MUST be on the Discord servers of the event: http://discord.gg/fitchin

- Both teams must report their score on the FITCHIN page.

The Game Format will be as follows:

Will be played on the latest available versions of the game as of the date of the tournament.

- Duration of each half: 6 minutes.

- Controls: Any.

- Game Speed: Normal.

- Type of Template: Online.

- Tactical defense: On.

- Instructor: Disabled.

- Each match consists of a first leg and a second leg. Each match ends after regular time and injury time have expired. If the overall result of the two face-offs is a tie, the Players will play a third golden goal face-off to be played until a goal is scored during regular time. In the event that a 0-0 tie is maintained during the third match, additional games will be played until a player converts a goal.

Score Report: At the end of each game, it is mandatory to take a screenshot of the reason for the end of the match, in which the name of both players and the reason for the victory must be shown. At the end of the game the players must go to their game in the FITCHIN platform and click on "Report Results", in this section they will upload their photograph and the winner will be given a pass.

Remember that by participating in the event you will be accepting the terms and conditions of "Kuniverse Cup".
