


Academia Naguará Black: How to join?

Naguará is the first FITCHIN community to launch collectibles on the platform, and they bring a unique competitive experience to collectors who purchase them.

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Naguará is one of the most influential Mobile teams in LaTam and was created by Donato together with Hectorino, Jeanki and Reinaldito.

For those who want to evolve in FREE FIRE, now is the time.

Volume 01: "El comienzo" is the first collectible of the Academia Naguará Black series.

This collectible entitles you to a series of trainings where you will be able to boost 4 game objectives during 4 consecutive Fridays, access to the Naguará sports staff's follow up and a test at the end of the 4 trainings to become Naguará Black.

See the video presentation of the collectible "Academia Naguará Black"

What do I receive with the "Academia Naguará Black" collectible?

🔸 You will be able to experience PRO training with the team's sporting staff: Fox (sporting director) and Sabri (coach analyst).

🔸 Demonstrate your level in a trial with the official Free Fire squad where you will have the chance to officially become Naguará Black 🧡

🔸 Connect with other aspirants and be part of a professional academy of Free Fire of LaTam.

I'm interested! How do I participate in the Naguará Black Academy?

To participate you will need to purchase your collectible in the Naguará community marketplace.

To purchase the collectable you will need:

1️⃣ Be a member of the Naguará community

2️⃣ Have 1300 FITS. If you are not familiar with it, it's our in-game currency, it's like diamonds for Free Fire, which allow you to buy things inside FITCHIN.

See the step-by-step at the end of this article.

Once you have your collectible:



You are now ready to start your professional journey in Free Fire with Naguará.

Step by step: Buying the Naguará Black Academy collectible

1️⃣ Go to the Naguará Hub

2️⃣ Sign in or create your account in FITCHIN.

3️⃣ If you are a member log in to the hub, if not subscribe, it's free!

4️⃣ Go to the Marketplace, where you will see FIT (FITCHIN's currency with which you can buy things in the marketplace) and Collectibles (They give you access to unique experiences).

5️⃣ In order to buy the Academy Collectable you will need 1,300 FIT, which is equivalent to $4.99.

Get your FITs through the FIT tab in the Marketplace or through raffles, prizes and activations! You can buy your FITs by card, once you get them you will be redirected to My Account > My Wallet.

6️⃣ Now that you have FITs, go back to the Marketplace and purchase your collectible, click "buy" and you're done!

**You will be able to see your Collectible in your Public Profile!

Welcome to the beginning of your professional journey!

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